Since last Friday, 12.14.12, I have watched Anderson Cooper 360 every night at 8pm. I end up in tears at the end of the show as they play Amazing Grace and show the sweet, innocent faces of 20 1st graders and 6 adults. I watch in amazement at how some of the parents hold it "together" while being interviewed. I watch and wonder how and why? I watch with a small feeling of being scared to send my own child to school one day. I watch with overwhelming sadness as I think about how someone took the most precious gift from God to a parent, their child. I think about how some of those parents might have tried for years to have a baby and in an instant their gift was gone. I think about how those parents even go to sleep, do they?, or eat, or put on clothes knowing how horrific the scene in which their children passed away in was. It all is so incredibly heart wrenching. I say prayers and keep those who passed away and their families in my thoughts. I know God is trying to bring peace to their hearts.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago