Or so it felt that way. I think yesterday tops my charts as one of the most annoying days. Let's start with B.K. is gone on a business trip (don't bad days always start this way for moms). Campbell is teething...side note: I learned post child that teething actually means things just "shifting" in their tiny mouths, not necessarily cutting a tooth.
She was up the night before from 12:30ish to around 2:00ish. Then decided that 5am was a fantastic time to start the day. Hold up sister, 5am is wayyy to early for Mommy, so it was paci time and back to bed until 7am. As I am bringing my darling little munchkin downstairs, I notice the dog dry heaving. So, baby in tow I run to the backdoor and am frantically trying to open it to let this dog get outside and puke when I hear and see dog vomit at my feet. Side note again: I DO NOT DO DOG VOMIT. I gag. I get mad and angry at the thought of cleaning it up. I just can't do it. Buuuuut, I had to since I was holding down this fort solo yesterday.
Campbell goes down for her morning nap. I get "ready" for our Mommy and Me yoga class we have on Tuesday mornings because I know when she wakes up it will be a quick feed and off to class. Just as stated previously she wakes up, I feed her, I grab her and all the essentials and load us in the car. Put the keys in the ignition and NOTHING. The battery died. Lovely. Well, I guess we won't be going to Mommy and Me yoga today. (Which truth- be-told it's really 45 mintues of bouncing Campbell around on my knees and listening to other moms compete about how long each of them have breastfed for....I am certainly out of this clique when I pull out my bottle of water and add her formula). So, I proceed to unload us and our goods from the car and journey back inside the house, praying B.K. renewed our AAA. He did. I called and the AAA man was out at the house in an hour. However, he started my car and told me that my battery is really bad and it will most likely die again and I should replace it. Now, being the smart, savvy woman I am I knew this was a ploy to get me to buy the battery off his truck, so I politely declined. As, I was walking back into the house the mother in me slapped the savvy business woman in the face and went running back to his car and said, "Actually, yes please, fix it." I think the pure fear of being stuck running errands with your infant and your car shutting off due to a dead battery would make any mom just a little uneasy. To the tune of $122.76 I was the owner of a new car battery! Woohoo!
It's now around the time for Campbell's midday nap. She maybe sleeps 30 minutes. This will result in having to walk her around the house and push her in her stroller up and down the driveway singing The Wheels on the Bus... around the 4pm mark.
Moving forward, after the lack of nap, I am walking downstairs and notice my pictures on our ladder bookcase in the family room are shaking. First thought, oh lord the ceiling fan is about to come crashing down from our cathedral high family room ceiling. Oh sweet lord. But no, we had an earthquake! Odd. 5.9 earthquake in VA felt all up and down the east coast. Anyways, the earthquake itself was not the part that added to my horrible, no good, very bad day, it was rather the possibility of having our hot water heater leak gas if it was shaken enough during the earthquake. I was told repeatedly by CNN to stay on HIGH alert if I smelled gas in my house. I am already a little neurotic (I'm a parent) so the thought of a posioneous gas leaking into my house with my 4 month old here makes me just a little more crazy!
Here comes the fun part of my day. Abby. our loving, sweet, chocolate lab. Abby, oh Abby, is bleeding. From her paw. She has a decent sized bloody blister type thing on her paw. It's now about 2pm. I call the vet and they tell me to bring her in. I load my 83 lbs chocolate lab, my 4 month old (who, as a reminder, has now not slept since her 30 min stint around 11am), the stroller and myself into the car to go to the vet. I might add Abby isn't good on a leash. B.K. and I take full responsibility for this, but still in times like this it's annoying. She almost knocks over the stroller while I'm trying to get all 3 of us in the door to the vet. Thankfully the women behind the counter come to my rescue and took her. I then have to wait, and wait, and wait for the vet. Come to find out it's a wart. Gross. $102.00 to be told it's a wart. word of the day, lovely.
It was just one of those days. The days that you feel annoyed and frustrated while it's all happening but are able to be grateful when you sit down to have a quick bite to eat at 9pm because you realize it really wasn't that bad and my family is still blessed beyond words.
Until we meet again annoying day.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
Oh my word. The worst. Although, I love the part about the car battery. Way to slap that savvy business woman in the face - so funny!