Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy 6 Months

Happy 6 months Campbell.   I CANNOT believe you are half-way to your first birthday.  Saying that brings happy tears to my eyes.

I always say this but time is flying by and everyday I wish I could freeze time.


1. You weigh 16.6 lbs

2. You are in size 3 diaper

3. You eat about a 6 oz. bottle every 4 hours and now eat a "lunch" and "dinner" of "solids."  So far, you have had Rice cereal, Oatmeal, Bananas, Apples, Pears, and Sweet Potatoes.  You LOVE oatmeal with cinnamon and applesauce.  You also LOVE Mum-Mums!  You HATE mashed bananas, but love little pieces of them.  Pears a natural laxative for you, ha.  You just started to grab and put food in your mouth, so we have began giving you small pieces - this makes Mommy so nervous about choking!  But I realize you have to learn and I am happy that you are learning new things like this.  Today we are starting Avocado 
4. You go to bed each night between around 6:30pm-7:00pm and sleep until 6:30am! 

5. You are a very loud sleeper
6. You take about 2 (maybe 3) naps a day.  They range from 45 minutes - 1 1/2 hours
7. You love to laugh
8. You sit up all by yourself now
9. You are learning the motions of crawling, however, right now you move backward instead of forward, ha!
10. You hold and grab toys and when you get excited to kick your legs and arms like crazy, it is so cute
11. You can put your paci back in your mouth when it falls out.  We now have like 3 pacis in your crib at one time
12. You are now impossible to change as you just try to roll over and get away

13. You LOVE your jump-a-roo
14. You are one TEETHING baby!  Drool is constantly running out of your mouth and everything is constantly being put in it. 
15. You show interest in books we read and let us know when you don't like a book

16.  You love to yell and scream - it's your way of talking

I could write a novel about how much you mean to us and how much our love for you grows daily. We thank God daily for the gift of you. We love you Campbell.

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