Thursday, April 14, 2011

Baby Shower and Week 37

I have been blessed with fantastic friends.  This past Sunday, April 10th, my previously talked about fantastic friends held a baby shower for me and baby M.  It was, simply put, perfect.  The company, the food, the gifts, the decor...everything was great!  Thank you all.  And a big THANK YOU as well to my mom and sister who have traveled long and far to be at and contribute to every baby shower that has been held in our honor.  God has blessed me beyond words.  Pictures below...

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 37 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby M is the size of a watermelon. Weighing in at about 6.5 lbs and about 19 inches long

Total Weight Gain: 27 lbs

Maternity Clothes: I wear all maternity pants - love the jeans and leggings! Everything else is my normal stuff.  And it's gettin' HOT in NC, but I refuse to cave and buy maternity shorts - although, they are super cute!

Gender: We shall find out when this little baby arrives

Movement: ALL the time especially after eating and at night

Sleep: Frequent urination is now very much apart of my nightly sleep routine, so getting a goodnights sleep seems nonexistent
What I miss: Raw sushi, a fabulous nights sleep, occasional adult beverage, lacing up my tennis shoes, shaving my legs without looking like I was attacked in the shower

Cravings: no real cravings, rather just hungry and thirsty ALL the time

Symptoms: My feet hurt by the end of the day and sometimes they are swollen - lovely!, I will get contractions here and there, which feel so painful for the 30 seconds that they last so I really can't imagine labor..eek.

Best Moment this week: Knowing that I am Full Term!


  1. You look WAY too cute for 37 weeks. We also have so much of the same stuff - haha. You are so close!

  2. Tiff - not sure how you comment on a comment? Please inform, ha.
    Anyways, thank you! I feel huge!
    ps - I love how you are pretty much the only one who comments on my blog, haha, it makes me feel like at least 1 person is interested LOL.

  3. How cute are you?! Can't believe baby M will be here soon! Hugs to you :)

  4. Good God you look adorable...I can NOT wait to meet this little sweet pea!
