Saturday, September 8, 2012


We have been experiencing life around here, you know...playing with a very funny, very sweet, very loving, very developing toddler, making yummy dinners, taking Labor Day weekend trips to Philadelphia, spending time with family and friends, etc.......hence the lack of blogging.  

College Football is on our TV, our toddler is napping peacefully, I am in workout clothes (hoping to workout, but probably won't), shopping online, getting excited to eat pizza for dinner and indulge in a few beers while watching even more football tonight, daydreaming about Pumpkin Spiced Lattes from Starbucks, daydreaming about wearing sweatshirts and seeing the leaves change.  I love Fall.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it too! I had my first PSL yesterday from Starbucks and it didn't disappoint :)
