The master bedroom that we lay our heads every night is U.G.L.Y. period. I have spent the last year wondering when and how I would change it. The time has come. It is being changed. 2 weeks ago I up and put our "bachelor" style, rooms-to-go bedroom set on craigslist and it sold within hours- yay! I went and got a bed frame and ordered a headboard from Pier1 that I had recently become smitten with. That's where the decorating begins and ends. We have a cool headboard, oh and I bought a cool dresser. So, there we have a cool headboard and a pretty average dresser.
Well friends, today the painters came over we discussed paint options and since they left I have got a vision (read: I have pinned wayyy to many items on Pinterest, in which I will most likely never even remember to look at when I start shopping for the rest of the room "necessities").
I'm super excited to get this makeover underway. Here are the before pics of one ugly master bedroom
The lamps aren't bright or anything, ha. |
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