On October 29, 2012 you turned 18 months old..that's a BIG 1.5 years! It's so amazing to think about how much you learn and change from day to day, week to week, and month to month. You are so tender hearted, loving, sensitive, emotional, copycat, a follower, independent, sassy, stubborn, polite, and sweet. Your dad and I adore everything about you.
Weight - 22.5 lbs
Height - 32 inches
Sleeping - 7:00/7:30pm - 7:30ish am with 1 nap around 12:30/1pm. You are seriously the BEST sleeper (let me knock on wood) You tell us when to stop reading books, point to your crib and say, "Crib night, night" There are mistakes we make everyday as parents, but sleeping training was not one.
Teeth - you have them all except your 2 year molars - Yippee.
Eating - You would eat pasta, crackers (goldfish to be specific), ice cream, chips and fruit around the clock if I let you. Veggies are a no go ...but that's ok I try to sneak them in when I can and you're a toddler, it's normal. At least you love fruit, although it's always the most expensive fruit..blueberries, raspberries, blackberries. You love bananas and will eat apples only if we share 1 together. Oh, and you love chili, ha.
You are a talker and we love it! You're speech is unbelievable. Truly. You communicate so effectively for your age. You also repeat EVERYTHING we say, you little parrot, you. Case in point, the other day you heard your dad yell to me downstairs, "Hey Babe" then "Jenn" and within seconds you yelled out babe and Jenn. HAHA! Luckily, you still refer to me as mommy and you say it about 500 million times a day : ) You learn at least a new word everyday.
You know most of your alphabet, it's spotty, but you recognize the right letters and can say them (out of order past the letter D) ha. You count like a maniac. You can count to twenty although you always skip 3 and 4. You sing, Ring around the rosies, itsy bitsy, If you're happy and you know it, Do you know the muffin man, Row Row Row your boat. You dance. And if we aren't looking at you when you're doing it you yell, "Mommy, and clap" It's hilarious.
You're favorite time of day is when Daddy comes home. We sit and watch for him at the front door and when he walks in you "tell" him what you did during the day.
You are scared to death of our house cleaner, Roxanna...and only because she uses the vacuum (which you hate). You say things like, "Roxanna voom voom dirt (vacuums the dirt), and then immediately say, "Roxanna, go bye bye." HAHA.
You LOVE Abby. And you love to go outside everyday and blow bubbles with Abby because she jumps in the air and gets them. You think it's hilarious.
You still love to be naked (lord help us). And run full speed when you're naked and we are trying to get you into the bath.
You also love Elmo, my iphone, watching videos of yourself, looking through picture albums and naming everyone, talking, gymnastics, being outdoors, your wagon, playing pretend with your babies, the weekends when Daddy can spend the entire day with us, playing with other kids, coloring, stickers,
You dislike our house cleaner, the vacuum, the blender
You are such a joy and blessing in our life. We are grateful everyday for the gift of you
First Haircut September 2012 |
Best Friend, Sam |
Me: "Smile Campbell" |